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Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Sis years later and it still works (australia)
i dont get it.... i made a purchase that couldnt pass for any reason... why apple didn't reject it and just gave me the app and now i owe to them and cant download not even the free apps? its ridiculous... if there weren't money in the card they shouldnt give me the app... 😟
i fixed my one... It's because you don't have enough money to cover your altogether/ accumulative purchase cost. What I mean is Apple is slow to show you that you spent money on an apple product so will charge you in big lumps. Solution--put more money in your credit/debit card more than you think you can spent. Hope this helps!
its been happening to me as well can u solve it plz
This should be an answer from apple itself, in the support page. Thank you!!
c. Card info was good. still, sec code wouldn't stay in field. then, it kept telling me my selection of card type doesn't match the number. Exp date didn't input, as well. At first, it appeared to store the info. Then, declined, declined......
I tested my card at a real store nearby, Fine, debit AND credit both. Old email also persists on iTunes
Anyone had a similar experience 2 days after having iPad restored (to factory settings)??
I had changed email and pw at Apple. amy
For sure. I got 4,000 + responses, none of which addressed it, and same useless links to forms, etc. down the list.
thank you for your Straight enough answer to heal my concerns right now.
I had the iPad restored to factory settings when a download caused lockdown with frozen message from ITUNES.
this restore business may very well wipe out info that the security masters of The Universe no longer acknowledge.
somedays, hours & hours sucked away dealing with Apples.
such a cheery, simple solution! Free from the clutches. Have you put c.card info in before purchasing an app?
so, Apple doesn't get to be the boss of it's consumers all day long. Pheww!
i have the same issue but all im trying to do is update a free app
If the card that you currently have on your account isn't being accepted see if you can remove it, that should let you download updates and free items : Change or remove your Apple ID payment information - Apple Support
Everyone accepts my credit card, along with apple until 2 days ago. My credit is excellent and I have not changed anything, apple just stoped accepting it and I have no reason why and no one at apple knows either.
how do you explain this to a 4 year that wants the game you promised her. Everyone accepts my credit card, along with apple until today. My credit is excellent and I have not changed anything, apple just stopped accepting it and I have no reason why and no one at apple knows either.
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