You ask very good question. Here is what I know. For most smaller downloads, Wi-Fi seems to be just fine. However, downloading OS system updates and upgrades is another matter. They are normally very large files and anything that affects the download can cause corruption of the very important OS file. Sometimes doing a Wi-Fi download will go just fine. Sometimes, no. When there is file corruption, it either will not complete the download, will not load, o r if it does, you will experience a corrupted operating system. Not good. A wired connection avoids all this. If one is not possible, then sometimes it will be necessary to do a number of lengthy downloads vis Wi-Fi to get a clean one that works. In summary, sometimes it works, but sometimes not. Also, keep in mind that not all internet providers are equal. I assume that not all modems are always functioning at 100%. Simply put, wired is always faster and more reliable.