Trade in via Phobio
I'm in the middle of conversations with Phobio regarding a trade in of my Mac Pro (late2013). Has anyone else had this happen:
The trade in path one must take to avail themselves of the trade in offer does not in any way indicate that devices that have been upgraded, as mine was, receive no additional value than the base model. Because of this lack of information I sent and email regarding the storage SSD had been upgraded from 256 GB to 1000 GB or 1 TB. I followed up with a note in the return box along with the device indicating that the SSD had been upgraded requesting an adjustment to the offer because of the increased storage capacity. Not only was this request ignored, but in my follow up phone call I was told Phobio doesn’t take into account any upgrades, the first I had heard of anything like that. My complaint is based on what Phobio does with the devices after they acquire them. If they are reselling them, then Phobio stole my 1TB SSD and ignored my request. This borders on a larcenist attitude of their company and begs for investigation.
I would be interested in the communities opinions in this regard.