Automator quick action needs fixing
I have been successfully using an Automator quick action on my old Macbook Pro, until I switched to a new Macbook Pro 13" M1 with BigSur. The quick actions have been imported from the old Macbook Pro to the new one through Time Machine restore.
The quick action was designed to ask on selected Finder files. It was doing three things :
1) changing their properties (chmod command) to clear the ownership,
2) changing their tag colour to green, and
3) copying them to another folder on my disk. This folder is synchronised and shared with external people through Dropbox.
Recently, Big Sur displays an error message when running this quick action. I cannot seem to figure out what to do to solve it.
Here is the error message. It says it is unable to change file mode:
And here is the quick action in Automator:
Is there a way I can fix this to work with Big Sur.
By the way, as far as i recall, the changing of ownership through chmod command was made necessary for the sharing with external people I believe.
Thank you.