Thank you all for your input. I have contacted Apple directly a month ago, but still waiting.
I know that the idea is that you do not disable or deactivate fonts in OS and you should be so happy to have so many fonts as part of the operating system.
I am a designer and Mac user since 1990 and nothing so far has made me frustrated (and now i even start feeling old :)). This is the first one! Not only I got **** load of absolutely useless fonts now, but... for the past 10 years I have been living and working in Poland. Now these absolutely wonderful fonts installed by Big Sur do not support eastern european languages. So they are mostly useless - i have to install other fonts from Adobe or from Google, that have all characters.
I think that whoever thought of fonts concept in Big Sur has been working for Microsoft for too long. I hope that this could be ever fixed, cause the idea is wrong.
So the next question is - if I ever get answer from Apple :)