Apple Mail Preferences Won't Open
What is the procedure to correct the event when apple mail preferences won't open? Running Mojave.
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
What is the procedure to correct the event when apple mail preferences won't open? Running Mojave.
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
Nothing works. Restarted in safe mode, Apple mail preferences reappeared. However, restarted in normal mode, preferences disappeared. It’s some obscure startup item that is blocking mail preferences. I deleted all startup items and restarted. Still no preferences. I next reloaded OS: still no preferences. I give up. Beyond my pay grade.
Please check if any app is not responding from the menu " > Force Quit…"
Then relaunch the app see if it helps.
A simple reboot can help.
Apple Mail Preferences Won't Open