how do i remove
How to get rid of the plague emails from ??
iPhone 11, iOS 14
How to get rid of the plague emails from ??
iPhone 11, iOS 14
if this is Apple iCloud and the source address is consistent, set up a filtering rule on iCloud.
Set up rules to filter email in Mail on - Apple Support
If the filtering rules do not apply, then you’re getting spam, and spammers usually welcome your replies and feedback. Replying to spam attracts more spam, as you’ve provided proof that your address is valid, and that you’re willing to interact with a spammer, and such email addresses are worth more money when resold.
if this is Apple iCloud and the source address is consistent, set up a filtering rule on iCloud.
Set up rules to filter email in Mail on - Apple Support
If the filtering rules do not apply, then you’re getting spam, and spammers usually welcome your replies and feedback. Replying to spam attracts more spam, as you’ve provided proof that your address is valid, and that you’re willing to interact with a spammer, and such email addresses are worth more money when resold.
Keep marking them as junk and eventually they will be sent to your junk folder.
I tried this - about 1000 times. This email address is a plague - cannot reply to, cannot route to Junk, it seems apple allows the suffix .sale to pass right through despite what I try
No, that's your email provider allowing it. Maybe talk to them.
Thank you, I’ll check to see if I can filter this spam
how do i remove