What counts as exercise according to the Apple Watch
I find my Apple Watch is really discouraging when it comes to “what counts toward exercise minutes”. I want to be able to use my watch on the exercise (ie Outdoor Walk) I choose and have it count towards my personal, realistic exercise goals. I’m looking at these comments from 2015 and I am wondering if Apple has any intention of changing or modifying goals to be attainable for the average Joe. I am disabled and I find it next to impossible to get the amount of minutes I set for myself daily. I walk 6 km a day in a little more then an hour. I know that this is not technically fast but for me I am walking at a brisk pace with an increased heart rate.
Come on Apple do better for us average Joes that are truly working towards our fitness goals, we may not be fast but we are trying to the best of our physical abilities!!