Nope, it was an Apple issue, and it was an iCloud issue, it was a News app issue, and it was definitely an issue on the Apple side of things; not on the Facebook side of things.
I just got into my settings app and I turned off the news app everywhere until finally I turned it off under suggestions and Siri and “Suggest shortcuts”. For some reason, that did it, and it reset that stuck sharing feature across all of the other devices that I own.
I now have my sharing options back.
Something was stuck and it was not stuck on the Facebook side of things, it was stuck in iCloud or one of the other 10,000 mechanisms Apple puts into iOS. It was definitely not Facebook.
I knew asking in here was probably not going to net me any Solutions. But I had to ask here just on the offhand chance that somebody would have seen something like this, and would know what causes it. Somebody who understands how iCloud works and how the settings app works and how iCloud works across all devices on your account that are connected to your Apple ID..
My problem was not with Facebook, it was with sharing TO Facebook, starting from the News app, so the problem actually was with the News app and it was with the News app across all devices... So on that premise I got into my settings app assuming that the news app was the actual problem because that was where the problem originated from.
I finally tripped a setting that had something to do with why this feature was stuck solid, turning it off cleared whatever was in there and now I can post to Facebook. Thank me, because as usual I figured it out.
I suggest if this happens to anybody else, if anybody should stumble upon this very difficult to find thread, in the future if somebody stumbles across this conversation, the answer is to get in to your Settings app and turn off the news app under Siri and search. Just turn off “suggest shortcuts“, this will flip a setting in your iCloud that is systemwide for your Apple ID which affects every single device that you use with that Apple ID.
God for bid we can’t get into the iCloud settings and do it from there, it has to be done through a cryptic and difficult to find iOS setting
It’s the very thing that gives us this convenience that causes potential problems just like this one, the ability to share from one iPhone and have it go onto another iPhone that you are not even using, or even to somebody else’s iPhone, or to download something in mobile Safari and have it go into your Files app and then you pick up your other iPhone and open up the files there and pull out the item that you saved- or, you open up a browser on your PC and log into your iCloud and pull it out of your iCloud drive.
it’s a great feature, but when it gets corrupted, it gets corrupted. And it is very difficult to fix because it is very difficult to find where the actual problem originates from. And when a feature stops working on one device, it stops working on every other Apple device that you own and sometimes even on your Mac Pro.