Uninstall Norton/Symantic anti-virus. It is by far the most frequent anti-virus package to cause macOS to panic.
Do not install any replacement A/V as you are just covering up the perfectly good macOS provide anti-malware services, and wasting CPU, memory, I/O bandwidth and network bandwidth.
The first panic is Symantic. It is in the kernel backtrace:
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.symantec.internetSecurity.kext(10.0.0)[F3A93911-8D09-314D-9A38-9918465E3F83]@0xffffff7f8faec000
dependency: com.symantec.SymXIPS(9.0.1)[57E63AE5-3611-3888-AB74-1498668DA171]@0xffffff7f8fa22000
The second panic is still most likely Symantic
sfree on invalid allocation
because Symantic is known for not being careful about accessing an used kernel resources. In this case attempting to free memory that has already been freed.
Just say NO to 3rd party anti-virus, Mac cleaners, memory cleaners. They are just going to cause you pain.