Hello Ruben Molina,
We understand that you’re unable to charge your billing address and phone number. You've come to the right place. We'd love to help. Please keep in mind, if you have subscriptions, have an unpaid balance, or share purchases with your Family Sharing group, you can't remove all payment information. If this is not the case, let’s restart your Mac to see if that helps: Log out, sleep, wake, restart, or shut down your Mac
If you’re still unable to update your billing address, proceed with the following step:
• Start up in safe mode and try to make this change: Start up your Mac in safe mode
• Verify if the issue persists in a new user account: Set up users, guests, and groups on Mac
• Update your computer: How to update the software on your Mac
Thanks for using Apple Support Communities to post your question. Let us know if this helps.