Big Sur - How do I disable the control center or control it fully?
I like a clean and compact interface. The new control center is anything but compact. It is unfortunate that this "mobile first"-design made its' entrance onto the desktop. Two big reasons for using a desktop, is that is different and that you have full control. Now with Big Sur you have neither and desktop is becoming more and more "mobile with physical keyboard".
Anyway, anything I do not use I do not want to clutter my interface nor - preferably - even the system resources. But it seems not all functions in the control center can be disabled, like the volume etc. Or can they?
So I want to either
- disable some functions in the Control Center
- resize some functions
- disable it altogether
Is any of these possible?
Thinking of going back to some Linux just because of this. Why do Apple not let you control your interface? It can hardly be because of security...