Where does Calendar keep its caches?
Can someone tell me where Calendar keeps all its caches and/or how to remove them?
I have been trying to clean out unwanted calendars but they keep coming back.
The process I am going through is this:
1. delete the unwanted calendars in the Calendar app
2. delete all the subfolders of ~/Library/Calendars which are contain the deleted calendars just leaving the ones I want
3. stop CalendarAgent
4. delete the 3 files in ~/Library/Calendars "Calendar Cache", "Calendar Cache-shm" and "Calendar Cache-wal"
5. empty Trash
6. log out
But when I log back in and open Calendar, after a few minutes all the unwanted calendars are back. I could understand if it were recreating default calendars but it seems to be every calendar that has ever existed for this user.
I've tried removing the folders and cache files while logged in as a different user (as CalendarAgent restarts itself after being stopped), I've also tried rebooting rather than just logging out but nothing seems to work. Calendar is retrieving the information from somewhere, and putting the calendars (complete with the events they contain) back into the ~/Library/Calendars folder and the Calendar interface.
iMac 27″, macOS 10.14