FCP 10.5.2 mask missing
I'm currently using Final Cut pro 10.5.2 and I could not find draw mask effect is there anyway to re-download it?
Thanks a lot.
MacBook Pro (2020 and later)
I'm currently using Final Cut pro 10.5.2 and I could not find draw mask effect is there anyway to re-download it?
Thanks a lot.
MacBook Pro (2020 and later)
It's not in the Effects browser under Masks?
Look in the Effects browser. You're in the Transitions browser.
I have some others effect that I downloaded earlier but not the mask one
Nope I can't find it
Which masks do you have?
I don't have any of them, not even the mask tab
Please post a screen shot of your effects browser. Are you running a trial version of FCP?
ohhhh I'm soo dumb thanks a lot
No worries! Glad it was an easy fix.
FCP 10.5.2 mask missing