This area is ambiguous. Different pieces and people involved here have different needs and expectations.
You are getting the date that the specific (copied) file was created.
Apple is not going to change that long-standing behavior, either.
Here, you want the date from the camera. Not the date from the file system. And the camera date has no (firm) ties to the file system metadata, as you have discovered. Here, the contents of the file will have to drag along the creation date within the file, to get what you want. Which won’t happen. Or won’t happen reliably, depending on what happens to the file.
The metadata date that you want to use here is stored within the photos; in the EXIF data.
The file system metadata you’re looking at can’t and won’t and should not do what you want here, and that is the case on most any computer. (Folks over on Windows encounter this same clash of expectations, for instance.)
The file metadata can change when the file system deems it necessary, such as when a copy of a file is created with a new filename.
The EXIF data is preserved. The data does not changed by the file system, and the file system is unaware of the existence of the EXIF data. A user can request changes to the EXIF data using an app. But the file system won’t.
Here? You will want to use a photos management package, which will deal with this and other issues for you. If the Photos app provided with macOS, iOS, and iPadOS is insufficient for your needs, there are other options.
Related details:
This link covers resetting the file system dates, but you’ll be doing that in perpetuity here if you do decide to take that approach, and don’t use the EXIF data as is typical.
One of various available tools is exiftool:
Also potentially Adobe Lightroom.
Date-related tools:
Best: Use a photo library, use the EXIF data, don’t try to use the file system metadata.