Solex Yahoo Search Results
I'm posting this here because I couldn't find any reference to this anywhere online after HOURS of research. My computer was hijacked and redirected to "Solex Yahoo Search Results" on both Safari and Firefox. I looked through all of the Apple Community info, researched several websites and articles, did everything including deleting unneeded programs, looking at Launch Agent and Daemons and everything else, checking DNS and Proxies in the Network, checking to make sure the Preferences was set properly, and downloading, paying for, and running a malware program that didn't find it. Finally, my nephew, a programmer, figured out that it was something to do with DNS, and through Terminal found the redirect and we deleted it with "etc" in the programming language. I don't know what that means, but thank goodness for him and FaceTime.
I hope this helps someone else. I can't figure out how I can be the only one who had that specific problem, and it was only solved with someone who knows a programming language. I'm leaving this here hoping that someone who needs it finds it.