Two apple IDs on one device
Hi, can we sign up with two apple ID on one device?
iPhone 11
Hi, can we sign up with two apple ID on one device?
iPhone 11
Hi Eric,
I'd like to put the question to you in another way.
My partner and I each have our own apple ID. Can we each have a sign-in on the same device (iMac) enabling us to see our own information, data and files by using our individual Apple IDs?
You can do that by creating a second user account on the iMac. Then each of you can sign into your own Apple ID in your separate user account.
User Account – Add New Admin. -
User Account – Add New Admin In Single User Mode. -
Devices are meant to be used with one ID. You can sign one ID into the App Store/iTunes and another ID into iCloud, but you can't sign two IDs into one place, for example iCloud, at the same time.
Two apple IDs on one device