Just another iTunes Match user here to confirm what we already know that the service has been unbelievably slow for the past week or so, just wish I had known it wasn't just me!
I have been checking online for any signs that this problem is being flagged up by any other Apple news media outlets, but other than the iMore article from July 28th, I can't see anything.
Perhaps we should all be writing to some of the more popular Apple websites like 9to5Mac or MacWorld rather than spending hours with Apple Care reps who clearly have a limit to what they can do in a situation like this.
I am one of those people who has been a constant user of iTunes Match since it was released 10 years ago and I already had over 3,000 CD's to rip into my iTunes account back then when it started.
I can say that in all those years I have personally never experienced an upload glitch like this one and have added songs on multiple computers from different corners of the world without a problem.
My Apple Music 'Match' account is now sitting at 88,000 songs.
Around 65% of these songs are 'matched' and the rest are shown as 'uploaded' - however many of the uploaded songs were ripped from commercial CD's that were readily available in stores.
For example, even a couple of Beatles albums show as 'uploaded" - so I was never really convinced that the 'matched' songs uploaded quicker than the 'uploaded' songs or that the algorithm that matched the songs was 100% accurate as some users have previously commented here.
Thinking I was alone with this mess and in desperation to get some new songs to upload this past weekend I signed out of Apple Music, unchecked 'sync my songs' in preferences and deleted all 88,000 files of downloaded music from my hard drive knowing everything was already matched or uploaded.
Before a restart I cleared all the caches, signed out and back in to my iCloud account and anything else I could think of the purge anything that might be causing this problem.
Then I re-booted the iMac, signed back in and clicked on 'sync my music' and walked away.
It took 2 ½ days, but I re-downloaded all 88,000 songs (813 Gb) and both the 'matched' and 'uploaded' songs downloaded really fast - all except of course the music I added on 29th July which was still showing as ....."waiting"!
However, one thing that I discovered during this long fruitless exercise was that the new downloaded version of 'matched' songs was smaller in size than what the Apple servers previously recorded.
I saw this as I watched the list update every time the song downloaded by showing 'view songs'
What I mean is that a song previously showing as 256 kbs Apple Music streaming quality that was previously a file size of e.g. 8.9Mb is now more like 7Mb.
I watched this happen hundreds of times in all types of music old and new as the files downloaded off the servers back onto my iMac.
Does this mean that Apple has further compressed the music files?
Is this problem something to do with new Lossless files being added?
Is their entire Apple Music library being updated and is this the reason we can't get our new songs to upload?
No idea. But it's just another theory to throw into the melting pot.
So the result of my weekend exercise was that whether songs were 'matched' or 'uploaded' Apple Music will let me download at high speed the entire 88,000 songs in my library - and yet it has taken 5 days to 'match' just 16 songs from a new 29 song album.
In my opinion this issue is 100% related to something at the servers, possibly in connection to the new lossless option.
I write all this to warn you off wasting your time doing what I did and 'cleansing your Apple Music".
It was a waste of time and the problem of slow uploads still exists.
After reading all the other comments from users who have asked Apple Support to help, I won't bother with that either because it looks like they no more than us.
Thanks for the heads up.
This evening though I have noticed a new twist.
To be 100% certain that this long delay in uploading new music wasn't only on my iMac, I added an album to Apple Music on my MacBook Pro...and waited.
The new album showed up quite quickly on my iMac.
The songs were listed and the artwork was complete, but so far (5 hours later) only 2 songs of 14 have matched the rest are in purgatory otherwise known as 'waiting'
At the same time I also added a few new songs to my iMac.
However they show something new and are showing as 'removed' and underneath the very same file shows as - yes you guessed it "waiting".
Anyone else getting 'removed' showing up in their library?
See screenshot below to show what I mean.
None of these songs were already in my library - so they could not be 'removed' and the Cloud Music Library has been at 95% complete for hours.
When I close Apple Music and select 'update cloud music' this window takes a couple of minutes to get back to this 95% complete position - but never ever completes matching.