MacBook Photos for Mac Sync Problem: Photos taken on iPhone don't sync fullsize on Macbook in Photos
Using Photos for Mac, all the photos I take on my iPhone sync fine on all my devices (iPad, iMac) EXCEPT my MacBook Pro.
On my MacBook Pro in Photos, I get the thumbnail of iPhone-taken photos, but when I click on it to enlarge it, the thumbnail enlarges into the grey exclamation-mark-in-triangle error image.
Note that photos not taken with my iPhone do sync fully on my MacBook Photos for Mac, i.e., they click-to-enlarge/edit fine.
It's only those taken with the iPhone that don't fully sync (thumbnail only) in Photos on my MacBook.
Note also that on my other devices, the iPhone photos synch fully and fine.
Any help appreciated. :)
MacBook Pro 13″, OS X 10.10