I did an erase on my internal now it won’t let me reinstall iOS
How to get operating system back on my iMac?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
How to get operating system back on my iMac?
iMac Line (2012 and Later)
Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
Please follow these steps:
Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
Please follow these steps:
You need to make sure you erase the Volume Group for Macintosh HD. Boot into Recovery OS then open Disk Utility and change the View to "Show All Devices". Click on the Container that holds Macintosh HD and Erase that Container. This will remove all volumes and format a new Macintosh HD volume. Last, try your reinstall again.
I have accidentally Deleted iOS from Mac now can’t reinstall iOS in MacBook
I did an erase on my internal now it won’t let me reinstall iOS