Remotely (with permission) take control of my mother's iMac to help her/show her how to operate her computer
My mom is 72 and I finally convinced her to switch from PC to Mac because I was so tired of driving to her place to install applications, teach her how to use email, show her how to store photos, etc. She is loving her new iMac (a 2020 model), but she still needs me to show her how to do certain things. Are there any apps (native or third-party) that would allow me to take control of her iMac (from my MacBook Pro) and do things for her or show her how to do things while I control her screen and she watches? We are on separate internet connections.
My work's IT department can do this with my PC workstation, so I wouldn't be surprised if Apple built this functionality into their computers. My mother will provide any passwords or verbal consents that are needed for this.
Thanks for any help,