I spent several hours on the phone with Apple support with three different agents. They all pointed the finger back at Microsoft. I've so far found nothing online about the issue. I can import the pictures using the photos app -- but it's cumbersome to sort through the pictures that way. I like to view the pictures on the computer, keep what I want on the phone, delete off the phone what I don't want, and copy specific pictures to folders on my pc. With the import process I have to sort through everything twice -- once on the phone and once on the PC.
They always first ask if it works in iCloud. I don't use iCloud and don't plan to because I have a lot of storage available locally and with other providers. Very frustrating.
When I unplug the phone it kicks out an error saying the device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected. It's then stuck in a loop and will keep kicking out that error even after the phone is unplugged. It's related to a windows process called Shell Infrastructure Host. Apple searched for those errors in their database and found nothing. Maybe it's too early for them to have seen the problem -- but it's hard to believe that.