Why do they make it so hard to get a new iMac.
G'morning Frank,
Remember that Apple is not here. We are your fellow end users and have no more idea why Apple does or doesn't do things than you.
If you want something as close to your current iMac as possible I would consider the 27-inch model. However, there are some features that the upcoming version of macOS will not work on an intel-powered Mac.
If you go for an M1 24-inch in a similar config to what you have now, you need one of the two higher-specced models:
That gets you the ethernet port and four, not two, USB/Thunderbolt ports—super important.
Because RAM cannot be added after the computer leaves the factory, I strongly recommend the 16GB RAM option, That is as close to future-proofing as you can do.
Also ANY storage less that 512GB can be crippling. People here are already reporting storage space issues with Macs having 256GB storage.
i want the same one just updated with all the new features
I understand and concur. It is tough when "cutting edge" becomes a "bleeding edge."