How to specify 8GB or 16GB for 11" iPad pro 2021
The specs for the 11" inch iPad pro on the Apple store website mentions 8GB or 16GB options. When ordering, I saw no option for specifying the RAM. Anecdotally, I saw where another question posted here said the 16 GB was standard when ordering the 1 TB or 2 TB drive.
Can anyone point to where that info is on the Apple website? I need to be sure. Apple online support did not know! Quote: "I understand but you have reach (sic) apple support. I will need to transfer you to the sales team they will be able to help you."
If anyone from Apple is watching: Why is the amount of RAM not mentioned in the purchase options when buying? (Apple Store, Auckland New Zealand) If the amount of RAM depends on the size of the drive -please mention that next to where you mention the options for how much RAM.
iPad Pro 11-inch Wi-Fi, Cellular