I cloud storage fee!
Why am I being charged .99 a month for I cloud storage when this plan has 50GB
iPhone 12 mini, iOS 14
Why am I being charged .99 a month for I cloud storage when this plan has 50GB
iPhone 12 mini, iOS 14
This 50 G came with the phone no additional charge. This is bullshit. I just noticed the .99 cent charge.
people check your subscriptions. I found one trial I can't cancel until 2022. Plus express VPN fought me tooth and nail not to renew!
Lisa821 wrote:
This 50 G came with the phone no additional charge.
According to who?
If whoever you bought the iPhone offered that, then you need to contact them. There is no free 50GB of icloud from Apple..
Check that you weren’t instead offered 50GB of your carrier’s cloud storage. Your carrier’s cloud storage would be different and separate from Apple’s iCloud storage.
I know my subscriptions and understand what charges me and what I get for it.
Thank you. I have had an apple phone for years until I moved to an area where there was no coverage with my carrier. Just moved back to town and had an apple 11, way too big for my needs at work so I saw the mini and bought it.
more headaches then ever before. Thanks for clarifying. I will change this plan I did not agree to purchase no need it. Ty very much
Because 50GB of iCloud storage costs 99 cents per month. You can downgrade to the free storage tier of 5GB per month if you so choose.
You should contact the provider that offered that to you as I have no idea how that would be implemented.
well now apple can't find my purchase
I cloud storage fee!