That's great! Thank you for this information, and for your direction. (After asking, I realized you anticipated my curiosity by including a link to the Built-in Security of Big Sur in your initial reply. Great!) I look forward to reading it, and reading the article on Effective defenses . . .
Your reply is truly helpful. Moreover, I would like to say that I noticed, and I appreciate the amicable, and tactful manner in which you replied to my inquiry. It appears to me as if the majority of users come to this forum to learn. And, although this topic is elementary to you, you took the time to be courteous, and respectful in your communication. These admirable qualities are too often lost in online discussion. Curt responses do little to facilitate effective learning. So, in your reply I have also learned to recognize a, "Respected ACS Contributor."
Thank you for your response. I will follow your advice, and your feed.
Best regards,