Usually if the problem disappears while in Safe Mode it indicates a software issue usually with some third party software that is installed.
Did you migrate or restore from a backup? If so, then you may have just brought back the problem you were trying to get rid of with the clean install. When doing a clean install you first need to thoroughly test the computer to make sure the problem is gone before migrating from a backup or installing third party apps.
Did you erase the whole physical drive instead of just the "Macintosh HD" volume? Beginning with macOS 10.13+ you must now click "View" within Disk Utility and select "Show All Devices" so that the physical drive appears on the left pane of Disk Utility.
To check for possible software issues run EtreCheck and post the report here using the "Additional Text" icon which looks like a piece of paper.
You can also run the Apple Diagnostics to see if any hardware issues are detected.