Have problem to run Waze with car play after the ios15 update
when you will fix the bug?
when you will fix the bug?
If you are experiencing any difficulty with third-party apps then please contact the app developer directly --> How to contact an app developer - Apple Support
If you are experiencing any difficulty with third-party apps then please contact the app developer directly --> How to contact an app developer - Apple Support
Shimonda10 wrote:
when you will fix the bug?
Apple Support Community Forum
This is Apple Support Community forum, for a user to user interaction for information & idea sharing between users, if need be, extend support on technical knowhow in handling Apple products from a more experienced fellow user, This is not the right forum to discuss with Apple Inc.
It is pathetic when people agree to the Terms of Use at a site and don't actually read them. If you had you would know this is a user-to-user technical support site operated by Apple, SravanKrA is a volunteer here trying to provide assistance. And no, you have it backwards. Waze has a developer account with Apple and whenever Apple develops a new version of iOS or does updates it provides the beta versions to those developers before the RC is released to the general public. Apple will definitely work with Waze if there is a global issue but it is up to Waze to fix the problem and release an upgrade for their app.
That is a pathetic answer. You broke it, you reach out to them.
Have problem to run Waze with car play after the ios15 update