Mail app badge count not updating on IOS
Why is mail app icon badge not updating?
I'm getting email notifications on my iPhone and on my MacBook—I love how this works between devices. I usually check the on my MB and deal with email there. However, I have noticed that the default mail app on my iPhone And iPad doesn't refresh until I open the app (app icon badge doesn't disappear either) even though I have processed email on my MB. I have svitched to another mail app, Spark who seems to handle this flawless.
Does the iPhone's mail app icon badge not disappear after dealing with email on another device using the same iCloud account? Everything refreshes once I open the mail app on the iPhone/iPad, but shouldn't this happen on its own? It could be that I'm not waiting long enough or that this doesn't work the way I thought it did.
This has been a problem for several IOS and Mac OS
Thanks for good suggestions!