Macbook Pro 13" M1 (2020) Delete Key not sitting properly? Key is functional but hard to press.
I've taken the key off and the mechanism and key itself works great, I've only just bought this computer 3 months ago. Upon taking the key off, I think the issue is the metal bar on the back of the button. It seems that the left side of the delete button gets stuck/sits lower than the right side. It does not seem to sit straight in its place and i've tried adjusting. I've searched for hours online and it seems to me the keyboard underneath the delete key does not have the appropriate hinges/holes to place the bar into. When I pulled the key off the bar was connected to the backside of the key, but everything I see online says there should be a bracket where you insert the side of the metal bar into. If anyone is able to give any advice I would be very greatful! Happy to provide more information if needed.