barazak Said:
"Battery health: I own an iphone 12,the battery health was 100 % through 7 and a half months ago ,updated to ios 15, 5 days ago I saw battery health has dropped to 99%, and today it has dropped again by 1%! Now it is 98%,it does not make sense in my opinion ,is it normal?!!!"
About Battery Degrading:
The Battery Health drops 1-3% out-of-the-box. Why has occurred is normal. Batteries degrade as they are used, eventually depleting (which you should avoid). It cannot stay at 100%. I have had mine replaced a few times, due to high use. I do not use it as much at this moment in time. So, I have not had to replace it in a while.
Unfortunately, there is no way to know how nor when this degrade occurs. Apple recommends that you get a new battery when the Battery Health reaches 80%. So, if the Battery Health is greater than 80%, there is no need to change the battery (yet).