Srhparkk Said:
"iphone storage setting: I recently got the new iphone 13 pro. All the data from my old phone has been transferred to the new phone. When I check my storage usage it shows 2GB, 1kb, zero kb, etc out of 256 GB used. The amount I used changes constantly. I have forced restarted it multiple times. I know I used more than 30gbs so I don't know what the problem is."
Provide Feedback:
Do your Part: It seems this is a bug. So, it is best that you provide feedback on this is Apple. Apple won't get back to you directly, but the more feedback they receive on this, the more they will know what is going on, and what needs to be fixed.
- Go Here: Feedback - AirPods - Apple - Support
- Select: "Bug Report" for the "Feedback Type"
- Comment: on when you came across this issue, and how you have troubleshot it thus far. Include a link to this thread (
- Proceed from there as necessary