How do I make a grid in Pages? (iPad Pro M1)
I like to crochet and knit and would like to create a pattern that involves drawing onto a grid. How can I create a grid in pages that I can then color in the squares?
iPad Air, iOS 12
I like to crochet and knit and would like to create a pattern that involves drawing onto a grid. How can I create a grid in pages that I can then color in the squares?
iPad Air, iOS 12
Hi Miinkysmom and welcome!
One quick way is to draw a table to the size of your printed page and adjust the cell boundaries to give equal height and width, and then set a solid border colour for all the cells.
However, as far as I can see in Pages there's a lower limit to the size of the cells (just over 0.7cm) which may mean that you can't make the individual squares small enough.
Numbers doesn't seem to have this limitation, and works a lot more smoothly in a number of other ways, so it might be a better choice. Here's one way to draw the grid.
Create a new Numbers document using the "Blank" template. In the Table area of the Inspector, set all header and footer values to 0:
At the top of the table, click into the "Table 1" area and delete the text.
Click the green circle pin the top left of the table to select all the rows and columns.
In the Table area of the Inspector, set the Table Outline colour and thickness (I used black, 1pt). Double-check you have all the rows and columns selected, and in the Row and Column Size area type ini a value for the Height (I used 0.5cm, which got converted automatically to 14pt) followed by the enter key, then the same for Width, followed again by the enter key. Drag out the table using the handles at the top right and bottom left and it will add cells at the same sizes:
With all the rows and cells still selected, switch to the Cell area in the Inspector and set the borders to your chosen colour and thickness. (You might want to make them a lighter grey.) Under borders, click the top right icon for All Borders:
Click away from the table into the background of the sheet:
You can either fill in the individual cells by applying colours in Numbers, or print out the sheet as is and colour them in by hand.
When you come to print you may need to adjust the width of the table to fit your page.
Hope this helps - you could adapt this to Pages, but it's definitely much easier in NumberP.
EDIT: just seen that you're using iOS and an iPad, not Pages for Mac. It should work in a similar way though.
Hi Miinkysmom and welcome!
One quick way is to draw a table to the size of your printed page and adjust the cell boundaries to give equal height and width, and then set a solid border colour for all the cells.
However, as far as I can see in Pages there's a lower limit to the size of the cells (just over 0.7cm) which may mean that you can't make the individual squares small enough.
Numbers doesn't seem to have this limitation, and works a lot more smoothly in a number of other ways, so it might be a better choice. Here's one way to draw the grid.
Create a new Numbers document using the "Blank" template. In the Table area of the Inspector, set all header and footer values to 0:
At the top of the table, click into the "Table 1" area and delete the text.
Click the green circle pin the top left of the table to select all the rows and columns.
In the Table area of the Inspector, set the Table Outline colour and thickness (I used black, 1pt). Double-check you have all the rows and columns selected, and in the Row and Column Size area type ini a value for the Height (I used 0.5cm, which got converted automatically to 14pt) followed by the enter key, then the same for Width, followed again by the enter key. Drag out the table using the handles at the top right and bottom left and it will add cells at the same sizes:
With all the rows and cells still selected, switch to the Cell area in the Inspector and set the borders to your chosen colour and thickness. (You might want to make them a lighter grey.) Under borders, click the top right icon for All Borders:
Click away from the table into the background of the sheet:
You can either fill in the individual cells by applying colours in Numbers, or print out the sheet as is and colour them in by hand.
When you come to print you may need to adjust the width of the table to fit your page.
Hope this helps - you could adapt this to Pages, but it's definitely much easier in NumberP.
EDIT: just seen that you're using iOS and an iPad, not Pages for Mac. It should work in a similar way though.
This is so helpful. Thank you SO much! I have a lot of work to do on my patterns now : )
How do I make a grid in Pages? (iPad Pro M1)