Focus mode in macOS Monterey
It looks to me that Focus mode as implemented in macOS Monterey is really wanting.
I have created a Focus mode for remote meetings in which it ignores all notifications when ZOOM, Webex, MS Teams, and Facetime is being used with the exception that any notification from those apps will still go through including Jabber (an IM).
The problem is that when I'm in remote meetings, I'm always also using applications like MS Word and the like while at the same time an app like ZOOM is running. However, because I'm typing in MS Word, ZOOM, for example, isn't in the foreground. As soon as ZOOM or any of my meeting app isn't in the foreground, the Focus mode for remote meetings turns off.
This isn't how I want focus mode for remote meetings to work.
I'd like it such that any time a meeting app is running, that Remote Meeting focus be turned on. I don't want to include running MS Word in this focus because I do use Word when not in remote meetings and I don't want just having Word open be a cause for Remote Meetings to turn on.
I suppose right now there is no workaround and this is just a limitation of how Focus works?