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Monterey struggling with External SSD

I had meant to add this to another tread but can't now find it - not even in Safari History.. Basically since upgrading to Monterey my MacBook Pro can't connect correctly to external SSD.

This is the text I was going to add to other thread.

When I connect my Seagate Fast SSD Media 1Tb which has two partitions one APFS and the other Mac OS Extended Journaled, the OS Ext mounts instantly but the three containers of the APFS take for ever. When I finally managed to open a folder in and APFS container and tried to open it, it threw the Finder into a nervous breakdown which could not be Relaunched via Force Quit. Disconnecting the drive brought Finder back to life. I tried on another port on my MacBook Pro 2016 and tried a different cable but all to no avail.  Connected drive to iMac running Big Sur and all works fine.  I was tempted to reformat the Max OS Ext to APFS but will wait a while and no great urgency. 

Posted on Nov 1, 2021 3:28 PM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Nov 21, 2021 8:46 AM

KRisseeuw wrote:

1. I had several issues with external USB drives, Disk Utility and Time Machine on a new MacBook Pro M1 Max with Monterey 12.0.1.

USB3-drives are not properly recognized. Time Machine does not work.
2. USB-C drive did not work with either Time Machine or Disk Utility (see below).

Today I purchased a new SanDisk with USB-C connection to make a proper Time Machine backup. The Disk mounted, but Time Machine did not work, nor could I erase the drive with Disk Utility. I tried everything I knew, called Apple Support, but nothing worked (safe mode didn't work).

Workaround: I could solve it by using a Mac Mini 2018 with USB-C-Port, running MacOS Big Sur. Here the external SSD could properly mount and erasing + partitioning worked within 30 seconds. After this treatment, the drive worked well with my new MacBook. Time Machine backups worked fine after that.

Deducting from this, I see that it is not a hardware issue as much as a software issue, affecting both Time Machine and Disk Utility. I am guessing it has to do with MacOS Monterey.

The workaround as highlighted above solved it for the moment.

How on earth is this marked “solved”? The issue — Monterey has hosed compatibility with many, but not all, USB-C external drives — persists, even for KRisseeuw.

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155 replies

Feb 9, 2022 2:36 PM in response to Webheadfred

Update: I purchased a Thunderbolt 3 SSD which came with a thunderbolt 3 cable. It works perfectly on the MBP M1 Max and Monterey 12.2 which got me thinking... I tried the Samsung T5 SSD with the Thunderbolt 3 cable. It worked perfectly! Interesting, the mounted icon was different when using the Thunderbolt 3 cable. Using a USB-C 3.1 cable, I get a silver drive icon as per older Catalina. When using the 3.1 cable on the new MBP with Monterey 12.2 I get the silver icon and the drive doesn't work properly. When I use the Thunderbolt 3 cable on the Samsung T5 SSD, I get a gold drive icon and the drive works perfectly albeit slower which is expected. Maybe try a Thunderbolt 3 or better cable on your non-thunderbolt drives and see if they work better.

Feb 10, 2022 1:34 PM in response to moondav

Hey, hopefully you've solved you're issue by now, but I just had the same issue and the senior Apple Technician walked me through recovery start up - disk utility - Show all devices - first aid to hard drive - then mount. It mounted right up and I'm rolling right along! I just had to share after losing sleep over it! Please vote this as a solved answer so that it can help some folks! ;)

Feb 10, 2022 2:42 PM in response to P7_V7

Thanks for your insight. I have gone through the identical procedure now. In addition LaCie has cleared one of my 5TB drives, and I even have a TM again. I am not trusting it yet though, because I got failures doing a disk backup on SuperDuper. Failed. And this is not the only procedure that keeps failing.

I have a sneaky suspicion, that Apple will release an update including the mess that was generated around HD handling with DiskUtility and especially TimeMachine, which I still perceive as a loose canon. Luckily I have a new M1 Max that shouldn't collapse anytime soon. This gives me confidence that Apple might fix this mess soon. We are not the only ones with these problems, and I would not trust your solution totally. Yet. Better safe than sorry.

Feb 10, 2022 3:23 PM in response to pbGuy

Updated macOS to 12.2.1.

After mounting my Time Machine SSD (had left Backup Automatically checked prior to updating), I returned after about 30 minutes to find a backup had been completed several minutes after SSD was mounted. ...I dismounted the SSD, using my Automator app, and subsequently disconnected. (Forgot to previously mention, I use an TB3 USB-C cable for connection, & always disconnect the SSD after dismounting.) ...so, for now, Time Machine and related, all working without issue.

Feb 17, 2022 10:58 AM in response to mariafromdarlington

I started this thread but have long since been struggling with the IT expertise as the thread developed. 

I was able to sort my problem by copying and saving the data to another drive using Big Sur on my partners iMac. Still on Big Sur, I erased the drive, reformatting APFS and from there on it has worked correctly with both Big Sur and Monterey.  Time Machine presents a bigger problem but I stopped using it some time ago and store most data on the cloud and use Carbon Copy Cloner for backup.

Feb 23, 2022 12:27 AM in response to mariafromdarlington

To update the drive's firmware go to the drive manufacturer's support site and look for the instructions for updating firmware.

Usually you need to download a utility from the support site as well as the firmware update. Some manufacturers only have a utility for a PC and in that case you have to connect the drive to a PC to update its firmware.

mariafromdarlington wrote:

Can you tell me how I update the drive’s firmware please?

Feb 24, 2022 1:19 PM in response to lllaass

I have a similar issue, but I don't think that "Monterey struggling with External SSD" should be marked as "solved" because the proposed solution requires a specific hardware configuration. A general solution is needed. Here is my experience.

I have a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Intel processor) and two portable Samsung SSD's. One is the X5 with a Thunderbolt interface, and the other is the T7 with a USB interface. I use the X5 for Time Machine backups and the T7 for general purpose storage. I started with macOS Catalina and later upgraded to Big Sur. Everything worked great. The X5 is so fast that I seldom notice that backups even happen. Then I upgraded to Monterey (currently patched to 12.2.1) and started having issues with the X5.

Before Monterey, I could unmount the X5 and T7 and then unplug them. No problems. Now with Monterey, when I unmount and unplug the X5, it seems to work, but later when I plug it back in, it won't mount. Instead, it just gets hot, like it's working hard on something but unable to complete it. To recover, I need to shut down and restart the MacBook. Then I can plug the X5 in and it will mount normally. This is not an acceptable workaround.

First, I tried to update the Samsung software, thinking that maybe my older version was incompatible with Monterey. I carefully followed Samsung's Troubleshooting Guide for macOS (Revision 1.1, 2021). None of the advice in that document solved the issue. Next, I reformatted the X5 from Mac OS Extended to APFS. (Yes, this erased all my backups, but I was willing to pay that price.) That didn't solve the issue either.

Then I tried a few things in an attempt to isolate the problem or at least find some clues. Using Disk Utility, I can mount and unmount the X5 and T7. I can do this multiple times with no issues, and I can see the mount point appear and disappear in Disk Utility, Finder and Terminal. Again with Disk Utility, I can eject the T7 but not the X5. When I attempt to first unmount and then eject the X5, I get the error message: "Failed to eject Samsung Portable SSD X5 Media because it is currently in use." What could be using an unmounted volume? It must be some component of the OS, maybe the Samsung driver or something in Monterey (Spotlight? Time Machine?).

Next I used Disk Utility/First Aid. Running it on the APFS volume I got the following message:

Checking file system and repairing if necessary and if possible.

Volume was successfully unmounted.

Performing fsck_apfs -y -x /dev/rdisk3s2

error: container /dev/rdisk3 is mounted.

File system check exit code is 65.

Restoring the original state found as mounted.

File system verify or repair failed. : (-69845)

Next I unmounted the APFS volume and ran First Aid on the APFS container and got the exact same message as above.

This is consistent with the behavior I found when trying to unmount and eject the X5 using Disk Utility. What does it mean that the volume is unmounted while the container is mounted? When I unmount the volume, there is no option to then unmount the container. I don't understand what's going on here.

Finally, I unmounted the APFS volume and ran First Aid on the X5 media. That ran successfully with no errors.

After this, I got the idea of unmounting the X5 and leaving it plugged in while closing the MacBook lid. I waited half a minute for the computer to fall asleep and then unplugged the X5. Maybe the sleeping OS wouldn't notice me unplugging the X5. Starting up again, I reversed the sequence: plug in X5, open lid, mount X5. To my amazement, this worked! Except that I didn't need to perform the last step: when the computer woke up, the drive was already mounted. This is an OK workaround, though it's not great because now I have to carry the X5 with me all the time.

Best would be an OS that worked as well as before. The X5 worked just fine with Catalina and Big Sur, which points to Monterey as the culprit. Looking online, I see that others are having similar issues with external media and Monterey. Apple, are you listening?

Mar 6, 2022 9:24 AM in response to davemeister

UPDATE: For the workaround, I said to wait "half a minute" before unplugging the X5. A more reliable technique is to wait for the indicator light on the X5 to turn off. Later, when you resume, all you have to do is make sure the X5 is plugged in before opening the lid. Also, if you unplug the X5 from one USB-C port, it's not necessary to plug it back into the same port. Any port will do -- the OS doesn't seem to care. Finally, you must perform this procedure every time. If you open the lid before plugging in the X5, then the OS will not mount the X5 until you reboot. Like I said, this workaround is not great.

Mar 18, 2022 6:36 AM in response to allen84us

Yes they are very helpless, lol.

they tried and fixed mine for a moment through unmounting and remounting the disk in startup mode, I believe. Finally I accidentally plugged the drive straight in through a usb-c adapter and I haven’t had anymore problems. I’m just having to work around my hub because that seems to be what Monterey isn’t supporting with to some of my drives.

if you’re in a pinch and using a hub, try bypassing it.

Mar 18, 2022 8:34 AM in response to P7_V7

Hooray! The latest update to Monterey (12.3) has fixed my problem. Everything works normally again. Thanks Apple software engineers! Overall, my advice is to update the OS. Connect the external drive directly to the laptop using the cable that came with the drive. Other cables and hubs may not support the drive. (For the Samsung X5, I have to use a Thunderbird 3 cable plugged into a Thunderbird 3 port or it won't work.) If you can get the drive to mount, then make sure the driver and firmware are up to date.

Mar 18, 2022 9:04 AM in response to moondav

I had a problem where two disks were no longer recognized and were not visible as all in disk utility. after upgrading to monterey. When I put a usb c adapter on the older plug they both worked. I was driving them from a old usb dock. By putting a usb c adapter on the usb dock and conneting that to the usb c port on the computer still did not work. Next I hooked it to a usb c hub and connected the hub to the computer and VOILA! both drives are visible and accessible.


Mar 18, 2022 1:05 PM in response to docmaas2

My Mac Pro (late 2013) OS X 12.3 is still having problems handling the 4TB external SSD (WD) in a Sabrent USB 3.0 enclosure. I have been using that drive and enclosure since Catalina with Mac OS Extended Journaled. After the update to Monterey, I had to reformat it. After many failures. I discovered I was only able to format the drive to APFS if I put it on my USB hub. I was also able to format it if I attach it through my Thunderbolt display. After it is formatted, if I move the drive to a USB port on the Mac, it quickly becomes unreachable and has to be reformatted again. As long as I keep the drive on the USB hub or Thunderbolt Display USB port, it appears to work. I guess I just need to live with that configuration until another update comes out and try again.

Mar 22, 2022 3:33 PM in response to moondav

I have about 8 SanDisk Pro's which I rotate in turn for backups (not time machine). I find erasing them to be very problematic at best and often disk utility will hang. I can sometimes force the disk to re-format by using a windows machine to format the disk and then going back to the Mac to reformat to AFPS. I though booting into recovery mode was a little better but it still hangs from time to time. I have a Silicon MacBook Pro and an Intel Mac mini and both do this which is driving me crazy. Once formatted then do mount ok but disk write speeds are typically 50% of what they used to be. I tried different cables, direct, via HUB with USB-C and via HUB with USB-2/3. For some reason the slower the interface the more likely it seems to be but given the nature of needing a reliable quick backup option I wish apple would get this sorted.

Mar 22, 2022 4:10 PM in response to operaq

I've noticed a couple of things that might narrow the domain of the problem. I have another 4TB SSD in a Sabrent USB 3.0 enclosure. It was formatted with APFS (NOT Case Sensitive) on Big Sur. It is connected directly to one of the (late 2013) Mac Pro's USB Ports. I use it for my Music library. It seems to be working perfectly fine (and is being used rather heavily). So I think the direct USB connection is a problem for Disk Utility erasing/formatting the external SSD drive and subsequent Time Machine updates. I tried APFS (NOT Case Sensitive) and Time Machine seems to force the backup drive to be APFS (Case Sensitive) for the first backup. So, this may be specific to formatting and writing to an APFS (Case Sensitive) external SSD with a direct USB connection using Time Machine or Disk Utility.

Monterey struggling with External SSD

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