IOS 15 disable split screen
How do I disable split screen on IOS 15 on iPad?
iPad Pro, iPadOS 14
How do I disable split screen on IOS 15 on iPad?
iPad Pro, iPadOS 14
I hate the new split screen feature and not being able to disable. I am constantly on the phone with my 85 year old mom trying to get her out of split screen. You have done a disservice not thinking of older people using iPads. Please make this feature able to disable. Very annoying
Why would you put a feature like this on our iPad with no way of disabling it? I know you think you are 15 levels smarter than the rest of us plebeians (in my case at least 16) but at least give us an option. Please fix split screen with a disable button.
Split screen is a nightmare. I want to be able to disable it. I often get it in Safari while browsing or reading. I constantly lose all my open tabs in my original browsing window when I select to close the unwanted window and then later close my browser. I no longer get the option to restore them. Why does Apple think this is a functional feature????
I find it a very useful feature. For years, people have been begging Apple to provide more useful laptop like features on iPad as opposed to just a tablet experience, which is honestly not much more than a bigger screened iPhone.
As IdrisSeabright correctly suggests, no one here can speak for Apple and since you clearly don't like the feature, you should provide Apple your thoughts with Feedback link provided.
Threatening to move to another brand gets you nothing here. And to say Apple doesn't value their customers, isn't fact. I had asked them for something like this. So too did lots of other users. I guess they do listen when many ask for a feature.
Enjoy whatever else you determine better fits your needs. It doesn't matter at all to anyone else here what that may be.
I hate the split screen. It always seems to get triggered at the worst possible moment unexpectedly and not having the option to remove it altogether seems ludicrous. I have sent in a complaint to however it’s been over a year and people are still flocking here to express their displeasure over this unwanted feature. I know the moderators of this forum are powerless to solve this problem, but perhaps it’s time that our complaints were forwarded en masse to the company itself.
The moderators only moderate the forum. They do not forward complaints at all to Apple. Providing the feedback via the feedback link is the only way you'll be heard.
I provided feedback too. Only my feedback thanked Apple for brining this feature, which is something many many many more people asked for over the years.
I dislike the split screen so much that I plan to purchase something other than an iPad. I have now lost all of my open tabs in safari more than once because of the split screen. Why can’t I disable it? I DO NOT want it.
Read the thread you posted too. You can't disable it because Apple hasn't given you the option to disable it.
Since you're not writing Apple on this user to user only forum. Your threat to buy another tablet means nothing to anyone here. Buy what you think best meets your needs.
I am having difficulty understanding what the issue is. If you don’t use the split screen it won’t be in your way. For those who do want it, they use it by manipulating it from the three dots at the top of the screen. It’s handy sometimes for me and I imagine for others it’s often handy. If a person doesn’t like it, why complain? Just don’t use it. I can’t understand from this rather emotional thread going back to November 2021 what the fuss is about. Could you explain why it is you dislike it so much?
Maybe you are not even talking about Split Screen? Maybe it is actually something else? I have on occasion seemingly “lost my tabs”, only to find them when I tap in the right place and they reappear. I am but a student myself, but I see there is great frustration and I know what that feels like. Maybe if you could describe what actually happens that is frustrating you and what you are doing at the time the issue happens, someone here could help.
I always accidentally trigger the multitasking function (those three dots on top) when I try to pull down the window and switch to the others. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add an option to disable this stupid feature that’s sometimes very confusing and frustrating. You may be proud of it but really not everyone is enjoying.
Please disable the ios 15 split screen on my iPad . Apple didn’t give me a option to do so. Also why does apple refuse to give instruction books with your purchases that are expensive . I guess your only interested in taking seniors money.
This is not acceptable! As someone who is legally blind, this is infuriating when magnified.. I am CONSTANTLY accidentally hitting it… it becomes disorienting. It blocks the address bar on Safari at times and depending on apps, it is too close to other controls…. Which will be a WCAG 2.2 violation.
iZenith wrote:
Yah this support is well dead plus Apple is becoming an autocracy.
Apple is becoming a system of govermnent? What country did they take over?
And this forum is not Apple Support. If you want to discuss this matter with Apple, you can use the "Get Support" link at the top right of every page of these forums.
iZenith wrote:
We did send feedback asking Apple to make those changes. Simply nobody gave a ****.
The fact that you made a request doesn't mean that they will make the change you want. It's possible that, if enough people send feedback, they may consider it.
Unlike a citizen of a totalitarian government, you have a choice. You can purchase a device made by some other company.
iZenith wrote:
If here 9 pages long people complaining about one feature is still not enough, I don't know what's enough.
Enough for who? Apple doesn't read here for feedback or suggestions (that's been explained).
And yes, this iPad is my last product from Apple.
You should always buy the tool that best meets your needs.
IOS 15 disable split screen