Thank you for the reply. I'm a bit stresses these day's and one of the few thing's that I need right now is for trivial things to hang me up. I've been dealing with tech issues for the last month, internet, computer the hole deal and all the corners. Now after almost $2,000 in equipment and subscriptions I find that it's all for nothing because of a mouse! and the fact that you can't sub
a basic mouse! or for that fact a keyboard too. You pay for a premium product and then get shook down for the mouse and keyboard, P.S. the product isn't going to work unless you buy a mouse and keyboard that you may or may not need or want. So I need to have a apple keyboard and mouse on hand to even get to the start page after first start up, because FileVault keeps out anything that ain't Mac! and then use that mouse to allow an off brand mouse and keyboard to work! and then on the off chance when the computer reboots and kicks out the aftermarket mouse and keyboard, you will need to do the process of getting past the login page with the apple kit and then be able to use the after market "Better" Keyboard and mouse! WOW! And the final thing is that I said to myself, get the apple stuff because you know there's going to be an issue. SO I conceded and now have on the way an apple magic mouse! Congrats you won! you got that last $89.99 Cdn out of me!