Macbook 2020 m1 - Monterey - Vibration sound issues
I'm so so disappointed. I've had my MacBook for about a week and a half. I didn't notice anything odd about the sound at first. Suddenly, for certain sounds or frequencies (low and high), I get all this vibration with it. I first noticed when a timer in a workout video I was doing was weird. This is a video I've watched tons of times on all my other much older devices with no issue. Then I started to notice it all over my shows and music. Does anyone have a solution or can you relate?
If this is strictly a hardware/manufacturing issue, I'm going to have to start moving on from Apple eventually. It seems there are constantly fundamental aspects that are completely skipped over because they're trying to move on to the next thing. It's so frustrating.
MacBook Air (2020 or later)