final cut x error -41562
I am getting error code final cut x error -41562.
I want to know your reason.
Helpful articles for Final Cut Pro for Mac, Final Cut Pro for iPad and Final Cut Camera:
I am getting error code final cut x error -41562.
I want to know your reason.
You have to give enough information so any of us can help.
What version of FCP? What version of macOS?
In what circumstances are seeing this error - when editing, when exporting,...?
What type of media is involved?
Any third party plugins?
Many issues can be due to other software conflicts. So we can look for other causes: Please run Etrecheck and post its full report here. Use the "additional text" button and paste the report into the text box.
You have to give enough information so any of us can help.
What version of FCP? What version of macOS?
In what circumstances are seeing this error - when editing, when exporting,...?
What type of media is involved?
Any third party plugins?
Many issues can be due to other software conflicts. So we can look for other causes: Please run Etrecheck and post its full report here. Use the "additional text" button and paste the report into the text box.
Software Installs (past 60 days):
Install Date Name (Version)
2021-10-20 Pro Video Formats (2.2.2)
2021-10-23 Compressor (4.6.0)
2021-10-23 Motion (5.6.0)
2021-10-23 Adobe Acrobat DC (Continuous) (21.007.20099)
2021-10-28 macOS Monterey (12.0.1)
2021-10-29 macOS 12.0.1 (12.0.1)
2021-10-30 Core Services Application Configuration Data 12.0 (120.72)
2021-11-10 MRTConfigData (1.85)
2021-11-21 DaVinci Resolve Panels Installer v2.0.1
2021-11-21 DaVinci Keyboards Installer v2.0.1
2021-11-21 Fairlight Panels Installer v2.0.1
2021-11-21 BlackmagicRaw_common
2021-11-21 DaVinci Resolve Studio (17.4.2)
2021-11-24 Final Cut Pro (10.6.1)
2021-11-24 CoreMelt Everything (2.98)
2021-12-11 Blackmagic Camera Setup (7.6)
Clean up:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/agcinvokerutility
Executable not found
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/AGSService
Executable not found
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/AGMService
Executable not found
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/agcinvokerutility
Executable not found
Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days):
2021-12-13 12:18:30 signpost_reporter - High CPU Use (4 times)
Executable: /usr/libexec/signpost_reporter
2021-12-13 11:59:24 ColorFinale - Crash (25 times)
Executable: /Applications/
2021-12-11 11:12:01 Final Cut - High CPU Use
Executable: /Applications/Final Cut
End of report
Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
EtreCheckPro 11.14 % (Etresoft, Inc.)
WindowServer 11.12 % (Apple)
Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (11) 7.88 % (Google, Inc.)
Adobe CEF Helper (Renderer) 7.76 % (Adobe Inc.)
QuickLookUIService (5) 6.80 % (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (11) 3.80 GB (Google, Inc.)
Adobe CEF Helper (Renderer) 898 MB (Adobe Inc.)
EtreCheckPro 826 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)
VTDecoderXPCService (4) 461 MB (Apple) (4) 342 MB (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
Process Input / Output (Source - Location)
mDNSResponder 2 MB / 260 KB (Apple)
netbiosd 1 MB / 19 KB (Apple) 124 KB / 56 KB (Apple)
apsd 26 KB / 52 KB (Apple)
trustd 46 KB / 6 KB (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)
WindowServer 4 (Apple)
Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (11) 3 (Google, Inc.)
Adobe CEF Helper (Renderer) 2 (Adobe Inc.)
Google Chrome Helper (GPU) 1 (Google, Inc.)
bluetoothd 1 (Apple)
Virtual Memory Information:
Physical RAM: 64 GB
Free RAM: 37.59 GB
Used RAM: 14.70 GB
Cached files: 11.71 GB
Available RAM: 49.30 GB
Swap Used: 0 B
You should of course follow Tom's advice.
In order to post the whole report, use the "additional text" button:
and paste into the text box.
Color Finale needs to be uninstalled. Is not updated.
All the Chrome software and its keystone daemons need to be removed and the application reinstalled.
I couldn't send it to you because the bug report is long.
Fully delete Chrome and the keystone daemons. Reboot. Reinstall FCP.
You drive is completely FULL.
I am surprised your mac even boots with only 5GB free on the system drive.
Clear up some 100GB of space as soon as possible.
I created 1 Tb of free space. Thank you
Chrome and keystone daemons is the full name of these plugins C2 Cromatic?
Chrome is the Google browser. It installs the keystone daemons. Uninstall them completely.
To learn how to uninstall Chrome and its evil keystone daemons, see here:
You've been very helpful. I can't thank you enough
final cut x error -41562