Does anyone know how to escalate to an Apple Engineer? Basically, I bought a brand new M1 and am now stuck, after almost 40 hours of troubleshooting that didn't work, with a brand new MBP where one has to log into one account, then switch to the main account, to get any work done :( :( :(
Can I somehow get normal behaviour where FileVault is enabled but I can log directly into my main user account?
If it helps, here are the results of today's efforts. Apologies if some of this seems nonsensical, but I'm not a computer guy, just someone who uses a computer to get non-computer work done, so tried all sorts of stuff I found online.
Presumably the new computer was "polluted" by the old computer during the migration. The old computer was bought straight from Apple by mail. So the only 3 possibilities I can think of for an enabled institutional key are:
1) Nefarious actor in Apple supply chain who did this at the factory.
2) Nefarious actor who broke into a hotel room while I was out of the room on a business trip and figured how to install an institutional recovery key (unlikely since I am a very low value target!)
3) Bug where during a system crash or whatever at some point in the 6 years I had the old computer something "glitched" and set an institutional recovery key by some random pathway.
I was very excited by finding this command in fdesetup. It seemed to work. But when I turned FileVault back on the same problem reoccurred:
NewMBPM1:~ Long-T01_UID$ sudo fdesetup hasinstitutionalrecoverykey
NewMBPM1:~ Long-T01_UID$ sudo fdesetup removerecovery -institutional
Enter the user name:S01_UID
Enter the password for user 'S01_UID':
NewMBPM1:~ Long-T01_UID$ sudo fdesetup hasinstitutionalrecoverykey
Any and all ideas most welcome!!!