My HomePod Mini stereo pair has basically become useless. It started a few days ago when I would ask for the weather and the Minis would ask 'Weather for where?' This was after months of working perfectly. I went through a variety of resets and fiddling around with location services and nothing worked. Then I plugged the Minis directly into my MacBook and reset them to factory spec. There was apparently an update installed because now the voice is different. The Minis now seem to be unable to connect to my wifi--again, after months of flawless performance--and the location services still don't work. I've now disconnected them and put them in the closet because I don't even want to look at them for a while. It's all extremely frustrating and I assume it all relates to a flawed software update. It's Xmas weekend and I don't expect I'll be able to do anything about this for a while. It's really too bad because I've been very happy with the Minis, up until now. I hope Apple is fully aware of this problem and is working to get the problem fixed--it's a software issue and nothing I can do seems to have any effect.
HomePod mini