iPhone won't
Trying to update my iPhone to 15.2 using my computer. The update downloaded, but will not install. I remove it and downloaded it again. Still won't install.
iPhone 7, iOS 13
Trying to update my iPhone to 15.2 using my computer. The update downloaded, but will not install. I remove it and downloaded it again. Still won't install.
iPhone 7, iOS 13
I am using Catalina 10.15.7.
I plugged my iPhone into my computer
I located my phone
I checked for updates
I clicked download and update (I believe it said download and install)
The update downloaded but will not install. I get a message that update cannot install...try again or remind me later.
I removed the update download and re downloaded it.
Same message.
You had said:
rhodafromrenton wrote:
not enough storage on my phone.
Go through especially the second and third paragraphs of “If there’s not enough space to update” in the article I linked above. Always be certain an absolute minimum of 10% of your iPhone’s storage is free.
So you did these steps. Then what happened specifically? And which path applied at step 1? What computer and software and version numbers are involved?
I had already followed all of these instructions!
I am using my computer. not enough storage on my phone. Still will not install
iPhone won't