Are these temperatures harming my iMac?
I am running a game on my iMac (Retina 5K, 27" 2019, 3GHz 6-Core i5, 8GB RAM) and the temperatures, with minimum settings on the game, run as high as (degrees C):
- CPU 1 Proximity: 75-80 degrees C
- Mainboard Proximity: 55 degrees C
- PECI CPU: 72-81 degrees C
- GPU Die: 67-80 degrees C
- PECI GPU: (does run hot as well, but I cannot recall the exact number)
Please note I have reduced the settings on my iMac and the in-game settings to minimize strain and these are the temperatures at these minimum settings. My fan runs appropriately, with RPM at times ranging from 1450s - 1650s, depending on in-game animations.
My questions are: Are these temperatures harmful at this level? Are they harmful if they are sustained at this level for hours on end? Is there anything to be worried about?
Thank you all for your help!
iMac 27″, macOS 10.15