mfrancesslack wrote:
I have a MacBook Pro (mid 2012) that I changed out the HDD to SDD. I am trying to upgrade OS from Mojave 10.14.6 to Catalina 10.15.7. The issue is I get the message "The Volume is not Formatted as APFS".
I have read through different answers within the community threads and attempted what was suggested, but the option to edit the disc is disabled. I can't update my MS Office software because I need to update the software. Can someone provide instructions please? Thank you very kindly.
I was able to do this on the fly from DiskUtilty.
The process is non-distructive and completes within a matter of a minute—surprisingly fast.
Restart the Mac into Recovery Mode.
Launch Disk utility.
Click-select your named boot volume—the default name is "Macintosh HD" —(Not the physical drive above it.)
In the Disk Utility> Edit menu> select “Convert to APFS"
the whole enchilada:
If you download the Catalina installer, Quit the installer like any other app if it launches./
Here it will sit harmlessly in your Applications folder. You can make a bootable USB installer:
How to create a bootable installer for macOS - Apple Support
Boot to this installer holding the option key and from the "Startup Disk Manager" select it for boot.
ref: How to select a different startup disk - Apple Support
The installer contains a DisK among other Utilities/Tools—
Now that you are not mounted to your internal SSD— you can Convert to APFS on the fly (non-destructive.)
It is a surprising fast and efficient conversion.
Disk Utility>Edit>Convert to APFS
*please note from DU>View>Show All Devices for clarification—
You are selecting your "named boot volume" (not the physical drive above it.)
Always advised to have a current redundant backup plan before any update/upgrade/conversion—only in this way can you restore your User if something goes UN-expectantly sideways.