silver_mica wrote:
I'm reformatting the hard drive again today. I lost count of how many times I've had to reformat this hard drive just to do an extremely simple backup. But, this goes to show you that Monterey is just a terrible operating system. I never had an issue such as this until upgrading to Monterey. This is so bad that I might as well be on a crummy Microsoft Windows machine =(
You indicated that your source drive is 1 TB, with 150MB-250 MB free. Since your backup drive is 1 TB, that means you have room for one or two backups when the 100MB VM has been accessed before the drive fills up.
As I indicated before, you can
(a) exclude the VM folder from the Time Machine backups and back it up using a clone program like SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner or a simple Finder copy, maybe very few days or once a week. SuperDuper and CCC can do automated backups on a schedule as well -- and that backup drive won't fill up because it is not a versioned backup, it keeps only one backup of the last version of the VM)
(b) buy a larger drive 4x the size of your source drive, but even that will fill up after a few dozens of backups of that 100 GB VM file, but since it has more room to work with, it may be able to delete older backups on the fly and keep going
If this leads you to go back to Windows, personally I would have no objection to that. There are plenty of satisfied Windows users. Buying a 5 TB external TM backup drive for about $100 might be cheaper and simpler but it's certainly your choice.