iCloud Drive error
After a reboot my iCloud Drive works fine.
After some use, it stops working. I can tell when it's not working because the Finder window title changes from "iCloud Drive" to "com~apple~CloudDocs".
Once this happens I am unable to transfer files to or from iCloud Drive. Any attempted transfer results in the OS error message "The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8058)". From then on it looks like any use of files on iCloud Drive are actually occurring only on the local copy of iCloud Drive. I've tried everything I can think of to restore the correct iCloud Drive link, but no luck. Of course, rebooting fixes for some period of time before it tanks again.
I have Googled error code -8058 but I can't find it listed anywhere.
I'm currently using Monterey (12.1) but this also happened on earlier OSes. I was hoping the upgrade to Monterey would fix it, but it hasn't.
Any ideas what's going on or how I can restore the connection short of rebooting?