Capturing Hi8 video tape into iMovie
I'm capturing lots of old Hi8 video tapes onto my Mac via iMovie. Using a Sony DCR TRV310 camcorder connected from DV Out to Firewire on the Mac.
This method has worked well for some of the tapes, but others have suffered from audio/video noise on the captured clips after a few minutes of successful capture. The corrupted clips show clumps of coloured pixellation, sometimes with video showing through in vertical bands, and sometimes audio breaking through the static noise.
The preview in iMovie and on the camcorder screen shows perfect audio/video as it captures but the actual clip is corrupted. I start the capture process at the beginning of the tape and leave it running for the 90 minutes duration of the tape - so no interruptions that might cause an issue.
I tried re-capturing a tape that had the problem but the issue repeated.
Any thoughts on what the problem / cure might be?