Provisioning profiles not visible after restore
Hi there,
we have a big issue in our IT environment.
In our main country, germany, we have DEP devices. This devices have no issues after a restore.
We can setup new DEP-devices with our MDM solution and the device get a new profile enrollment.
But in our foreign sites, we don't have DEP. Our colleagues make a backup of the old device and restore this to the new device. Users have to go to a special website via Safari and download a new device profile. When this profile is installed, the message "Profile cannot be loaded." comes up. However, if you delete the device profile from the old device before the backup, there are no problems.
How do we get the invisible profile from the affected devices?
Unfortunately for us, the problems in this case are piling up in our IT.
We need urgent help here.
Thanks already in advance.
best regards,