As I said before I think the damage is already done and captured in the tags of individual files. Music is just catching up when it has cause to check the tag, as it would during playback or when you call up Song Info. Inspect the file properties in Finder rather than Music and see if I'm right.
Anyway, if you turn off Keep organized then accessing the tag shouldn't cause the path name to change. I'm just working on an AppleScript right now that will parse the file path of the form <Some Path>/<Album Artist>/<Album>/[D-]## <Name>.<Ext> and update Album Artist, Album, Disc Number, Track Number, and song Name, if the implied value from the path is different from the value known by Music. I'm still developing it but it seems to work as intended so far. Music/iTunes will replace certain invalid characters with _ so I'm thinking there is the potential there to "fix" things that aren't really wrong. If I was using this to add tag details to tracks in .wav format I'd probably update Artist as well as Album Artist, but perhaps that is a refinement for another day. The path uses Album Artist, or Artist if Album Artist is blank, or Compilations if part of a compilation is true. And right there is another edge case to worry about. Compilations in path implies Album Artist is Various Artists.
What is this new album title that everything is being set to with your library? I could make it so the script only makes a correction when it finds that value, and doesn't try to correct anything but the album title. That might make it a little more efficient and less of a risk to run.