EmmaRogers wrote:
I have a MacBook Pro (2016) Montery 12.4.
The wifi works fine everywhere except at my parents' house. The wifi 'fan' on the toolbar says it's connected, Network Diagnostics says it's connected and there are no problems but nothing will load. My iPad and iPhone use the network at their house easily so it's not their modem or the router etc.
I've reset the router several times but it still won't connect... then all of a sudden it does and works fine.
The speed at their house is super fast too so I don't think it's overloaded.
Nothing has changed in terms of my MacBook settings or at their house. So why won't it connect to their network?
" then all of a sudden it does and works fine. " so what is the issue?
No error code, nothing...(?)
If you have an accumulation of old WiFi listed under "Preferred Networks"try clearing/deleting the flotsam & jetsam
>System Preferences>Network>Advanced
Change network settings on Mac - Apple Support
Some known problems include—
Hidden Network name
Using of a proxy server to get Internet access
A required use of a login page to get Internet access
Use of a login server or certificate to get Internet access
Use of PPPoE in the Mac to get Internet access (typically only applies to DSL)
Use of Fixed IP address rather than DHCP
Variance of the time by more than five minutes
Failure of Router to provide workable DNS server addresses
You may in some cases be able to move your Mac close to the Router or connect to the Router directly use a Ethernet cable.
Also, make certain the Date & Time and Time Zone are correct within 5 minutes.
Set the date and time on your Mac - Apple Support
Power Cycle your router
Disable any VPN or Proxy server
Uninstall any third party Cleaners, Optimizers, Anti-virus, VPN
Do a safe boot and test How to use safe mode on your Mac - Apple Support